“In Ghana they used to watch movies according to the attraction of the poster, so I started changing the posters by using different heads to different bodies and changing some of their backgrounds also. When they saw the difference, the people would go for that movie. Art is God’s given talent, so I opened my door for every beginner who wants to learn.”
Born 1974. Studied painting briefly with several Kumasi-based Masters, including Alex Amofa and Almighty God Artworks, before going “streetside” with a friend to open a small shop as a teenager. Slightly later, he hung out and painted with his life long pal, Africatta, whose style ultimately became a major influence. A seminal member of the “Kumasi Four,” the faux airbrush, daub technique school of painters from Central Ghana. Began painting movie posters in 1989 with oil-based paint. Made sketches for movies in the theater as the basis of his work. Never missed a chance to include a combination of turquoise and pink as dominant colors. Preferred to paint on flour sacks, usually the two-bag format. Painted a darn pleasant movie poster until he was driven out of the market by the advent of technologically enhanced alternative forms of advertising, just before the millennium. An artist whose skill sets also include singing and dancing, he got his name Sam Francisco from his dreams about the nearly eponymous Northern California city.